The rarest blood type in the world !!

 Every drop of human blood contains several components: red blood cells that transport oxygen to different tissues, white blood cells that fight various diseases, and platelets that help blood clotting and wound healing. The blood also contains antigens, which are proteins and sugars associated with red blood cells, Which can give the blood its kind and its unique type. The blood groups are divided, so there are eight types of blood according to the alphabetical system,

A +


B +


AB +


O +


How to determine the human blood type?

A person's blood type is determined based on genes obtained from their parents. For example

For example, if one parent carries A-antigen and the other parent carries an antigen, then in this case, your blood group must be that of two people. The two or both parents are merging (AB, A, B).


Conversely, people will not carry blood type O


, Which means that if one of the parents carries blood type A and the other parent carries blood type O, then it will carry blood type A because it has no effect unless both parents have blood type, otherwise they carry blood. Because it doesn't have any

Another antigen called Rh factor is present in the blood, and the positive marker is used in the blood group to try to find the factor, and if it is not present in the human blood, the negative mark is used.

What is the rarest blood type?


Blood type is the rarest of the eight blood types mentioned above, and only 1% of people in the world have this type. Fortunately, many people do not experience such pressure, so there is almost no risk and there are not enough donors.

AB is so rare that many people call the term golden blood a blood type

What is the importance of knowing your blood type?

Knowing your blood type is very important, especially in the case of a blood transfusion, as blood transfusions from people with the same type of antigen are considered safe, because the human immune system attacks the antigen that is unmatched, which can lead to death in many cases. On the other hand, some recent studies have shown the relationship between blood type and many diseases and health problems.

Donating blood can save many lives

The doctor recommends that people with negative blood type AB donate blood when given the opportunity. This is an emergency situation where other people of the same blood type need blood transfusions, and have a chance to be seen in hospitals and health centers. Knowing your blood type is very important, and although this is not a rare blood group, it may be useful in situations that require a rapid blood transfusion to save the lives of others.

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